
10 Questions To Ask About An API

1. Payload Structure

What is the structure of the payload?
Is the payload expected to be in JSON, XML, or another format?
Are there any nested objects or arrays in the payload?

2. Required Fields

What fields are mandatory in the payload?
Are there any optional fields?
Are there any default values for missing fields?

3. Data Types

What are the expected data types for each field (e.g., string, integer, boolean)?
Are there any constraints on the data types (e.g., specific formats for dates, length of strings)?

4. Field Validation

Are there any validation rules for the fields (e.g., regex patterns, min/max values)?
How are validation errors handled? What is the expected error response format?

5. Authentication and Authorization

Does the payload need to include authentication tokens or API keys?
Is there any sensitive data that needs to be encrypted or hashed?

6. Error Handling

What error codes can be expected if the payload is malformed or incomplete?
What should the client do in case of an error response?

7. Versioning

Is the payload structure subject to change in different versions of the API?
How is backward compatibility handled?

8. Rate Limiting and Throttling

Are there any limits on the number of requests that can be made with the payload?
How does the API handle throttling, and what should be done if limits are reached?

9. Example Payloads

Can you provide an example of a valid payload?
Are there examples of different scenarios, like optional fields being omitted or error cases?

10. Documentation and References

Where can I find the official documentation or schema definitions for the payload?
Are there any libraries or tools that can help generate or validate the payload?
Asking these questions will help ensure that you understand the requirements and can properly format and validate the data being sent to the API.