Best Practices Bizagi

How to Keep Track of Deployments (Bizagi)

Bizagi is a very peculiar tool when it comes to deployments and if you are not well organized, things can go south pretty quickly.

In my current project, the production environment is in use 24/7 and the opportunities for a new release window are slim to none. So, imagine having issues in production just because you forgot to import the values of a new parameter entity.

Best Practices Bizagi Tips and Tricks

Avoid private processes in Bizagi

Why private processes are not good?

I present two important reasons why you should not use private processes within Bizagi:

  1. Reporting Challenges: One significant problem I have encountered is related to reporting. When cases are marked as private, the information displayed in reports depends on the user running the report. If the user has access to the case, the related information will be included in the report. However, if the user does not have access, the information will be excluded. This can create complications when you have a Manager role specifically designated for reporting purposes only. In such cases, the manager needs to be granted permission to view case details in the reports using commands like “CHelper.GrantCaseAccess(Me.Case.Id, iUserId).” But what happens when a new manager is added to the role? Do you have to run the same command for all the existing cases? While it is technically possible, it would be more convenient if this process was simplified.
  2. Access Management Challenges: The second issue with private processes is related to the constant changes in personnel who require access to the cases. As roles change or new people are assigned to a particular role, the access to cases should be dynamic. However, when using private processes, manually managing these access changes can become cumbersome. It becomes necessary to constantly update permissions and ensure that the right individuals have access to the appropriate cases. This can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

Considering these challenges, I strongly recommend avoiding the use of private processes in Bizagi. Instead, it is advisable to explore the following alternative approach that offers more efficient and dynamic ways of managing reporting and access permissions within the system.

What should I use instead?

I strongly recommend utilizing visibility rules on the summary form instead. By implementing simple expressions that evaluate whether a user’s role matches certain criteria, you can determine whether they should have access to the summary page. For example, if a user has the role of Manager, you can allow access to the summary page. On the other hand, if the user has a different role that shouldn’t have access to the case, you can restrict their access.

Visibility rules based on user roles are straightforward to manage and modify in the future if needed. If there are changes to the roles or access requirements, you can easily update the expressions without extensive manual adjustments. This flexibility ensures that the access permissions remain aligned with the evolving needs of your organization.

By utilizing visibility rules, you can simplify the process of controlling access to the summary page in Bizagi. It provides a more efficient and dynamic approach compared to using private processes.

Best Practices Bizagi Tips and Tricks

Working with Tables in Bizagi


  1. Editable table with row validation
  2. Filter dropdown values to exclude already selected ones

Editable table with row validation

Table Functionality

Table functionality in Bizagi
Best Practices Bizagi Tips and Tricks

Customize case number in Bizagi

In Bizagi, we refer to process instances as cases and present them to end users. By default, we assign an internal sequence for numbering each case and display it as the “Case Number”. This ensures that each case is uniquely identified and eliminates the possibility of duplication or conflicts. However, you can customize the numbering sequence to meet your specific needs. We also recommend using prefixes when using sequences to prevent duplication in case numbering. We allow you to define customized sequences, including prefixes and suffixes, for all or some of your processes.

Best Practices Bizagi

Bizagi best practices

What are best practices

There are many definitions for best practices, but the one that I like the most is the following:

A best practice is a method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces results that are superior to those achieved by other means or because it has become a standard way of doing things […]

Best Practices Bizagi Tips and Tricks

Cancel case – the proper way

Have you ever wondered what is the proper way to cancel a case in Bizagi? When I first started working as a technical BPM consultant, I learned to cancel the case using the following workflow pattern:


At the beginning of the process, you add a parallel gateway. One path takes the normal flow, while the other one goes into this cancel logic: an Intermediate event followed by a Terminate event.