Bizagi Widget

Agree checkbox widget

Custom Bizagi widget

The widget works for all the below scenarios:

  • I agree to terms and conditions…
  • I accept the terms and conditions…
  • I confirm…
Bizagi Widget

Organizational chart widget

Custom Bizagi widget

An organizational chart, also known as an organigram, or organizational breakdown structure, is a diagram that displays the structure of a company and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions.

Organisational chart
Bizagi Widget

Questionnaire widget

Custom widget

Recently, I had to work on a more complex widget. The requirement was to have a custom questionnaire loaded into the Bizagi form. As you know, Bizagi doesn’t have a form control for that so I had to put my mind to building one.

The challenge came when I had to understand how the widget works with Bizagi. The documentation is not great, but with whatever I found on Bizagi’s website and the source code from all the available widgets, I managed to understand a little bit.

With this knowledge and all my JS previous experience, I cracked it.

Bizagi Widget

Horizontal Line widget

Custom widget

Out of the box, Bizagi provides a wide list of UI form controls like buttons, date pickers, text boxes, and so on. Unfortunately, the list is not complete so in this case, if you need a more complex control you can build one of your own and extend the form’s functionality using Widgets.

In my situation, I needed to use a simple HTML code to separate two sections horizontally.