RPA UiPath

Build Your First Process With UiPath (UiRPA part 2)

Build Your First Process With Studio


The module is for beginners and takes 1 hour and 20 min to complete. Its main purpose is to teach you how to build a simple automation process based on business requirements using UiPath Studio.  

RPA UiPath

How to install the UiPath Community Edition

Welcome to our quick guide on how to install the UiPath Community edition in 3 easy steps.

RPA UiPath

UiPath Associate Certification Training (UiRPA part 1)

As I mentioned in the first article, I am going to start with the courses for the UiPath Certified RPA Associate (UiRPA) certification.

RPA UiPath

Learn UiPath with me

If you are like me, ready to learn UiPath as a beginner you are in the right place. I will do my best by showing you where to go, what to learn and what to practice – which I think is the most important thing because if you don’t practice, you’ll forget it.