Custom widget
Out of the box, Bizagi provides a wide list of UI form controls like buttons, date pickers, text boxes, and so on. Unfortunately, the list is not complete so in this case, if you need a more complex control you can build one of your own and extend the form’s functionality using Widgets.
In my situation, I needed to use a simple HTML code to separate two sections horizontally.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>There is a horizontal rule below this paragraph.</p>
<p>This is a horizontal rule above this paragraph.</p>
The solution
I’ve created the simplest widget on the market. As you can see on line 21, I’ve added the HTML code for a horizontal line. Also, I removed all the unnecessary properties, and I left only the display name, help text, and the alignment for label and value.
To open the widget, you can use the online widget editor provided by Bizagi.
Download the Horizontal Line widget
For more complex widgets and connectors please contact me.